Wednesday, 26 November 2014


I can remember what it was like when i was in a classroom listening to the instructor and comleting fazing out. Why? Now that I think about it, it was probably because I was not motivated, it didn't relate to me. I wonder in the classroom how we can motivate our learners if they are not engaged. I know a few times I have started with ice breaker activities that get us to know each other and our passions and hobbies, things that motivate us. It gets learners at the least, thinking about something that motivates them and gives me knowledge as an instructor, to be able to refer to such things as examples we we continue in the course. Then at the least it peaks their interest at those points they hear something interesting or relvant to them and hopefully can draw them in. Further, we can as instructors always ask them to use their own experiences in assignments or class pastipation as a way to motivate them. I beleive, that if learners can see how the material relates to their life, they are more likely to particpate, because they want to.

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