Saturday 25 October 2014

Learning to Learn...

Learning to learn...probably the most helpful thing you can ever learn about yourself, no matter what you do in your life. Whether it is to learn a new dance, a cooking technique, or a PHD in school, knowing how you learn can help determine how you will do. Personally, I think this is one of the most important things that we should be learning at a younger age, not only as adult learners when we seek the opportunities to further our adult education. Just think, if we knew now what helped us learn, maybe 10 years ago, how much less painful could school have been? For me, it would have been way less painful! It was not until my 3rd year of university that an instructor challenged us to learn how we learn that I realized, lecturing and memorizing didn't work for me. My grades were probably reflective of that. I learned I learned best by observing and doing myself. This caused me to open up my way of thinking in different courses in the future. It taught me to support myself, as I had to develop stories, case studies, and examples to help me observe and do for myself. So what is something that I heavily encourage my students in the field, learn how you learn! Sometimes that means myself trying different techniques to give them the opportunity to see what works for themselves so they can arrive at a conclusion on their idea is when you come to it yourself right? Right!

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