Sunday, 15 February 2015

Copyright or copyfight?

During my PIDP 3240 discussion in the Copyright discussion forum, my fellow colleagues have raised some great points about copyright and the things that we in this 21st century of digital run world take advantage of. Such as finding resources on line, which includes scholarly articles but also information and links and blogs about any and every topic we can think of. The big questions is how do we cite these appropriately, and do we do it? As instructors, it is important in my perspective to model this behavior for our learners. The only reason I know what | know is because it has been expected of me in my classes from my instructors, but also my colleagues. It is hard to decipher on the internet, what is "cite worthy" due to the vast amount and variety of sources online and what can be simply copied and pasted without having to cite. It ranges from journal articles to Wikipedia, and as my colleagues have pointed out, the younger generations are not able to differentiate what is scholarly and what is not. Although we, in the PIDP program, are learning how to cite these different variations of sources, it is not general knowledge. For me, I will continue to learn and pass on what I learn to my learners. Recently, I ran across a link whereby in Spain and "legislation under which publishers will soon be able to force Internet sites to pay for re-publishing headlines or snippets of news" and Google's response to it. I always think that this will never happen, but it appears it is starting around the world, how long before it happens here. Not to mention the huge impact this will have on may sites that copy and paste news stories on their own sites. In my perspective, this is a hard battle to fight when your audience has a hard time understanding the term copyright and internet itself. The link is attached below and to the external links page.

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